Barton Kramer 2-1/2 in. Silver Right Hand Awning Window Operator for Keller Awning Windows 232

SKU: 5495437
Regular price $16.95

The Barton Kramer 2-1/2 in. Silver Right Hand Awning Window Operator is the perfect addition to your home. Built with aluminum and die cast construction, this right-hand awning window operator is designed to fit Keller Awning windows, Air Control and Keller Industries windows, and PGT windows. Its silver finish adds a modern touch and the Bolt and Bushing #191 helps ensure a secure installation.

Arm Length 2.375 in.
Depth 2.5 in.
Height 5.75 in.
Width 1.8125 in.
Length 5.25 in.
Material Cast Metal

Select new operator by:

  1. Matching mounting hole pattern of old operator to new operator
  2. Matching link length and style of old operator to new operator.


Installing new operator:

  1. Attach link to torque bar with original fasteners.
  2. Mount operator with original mounting screws.

Note: Bolts, bushings, E rings, screws, and rivets, are sold separately.